The meeting of partners and the presentation of awards for 2023 by the Association of Patient Organizations of Slovenia

Nowadays, especially in the current situation of Slovenian healthcare, the voices of patients are more important than ever. That’s why, over the past year, we at Lenis have gladly supported the Association of Patient Organizations of Slovenia (ZOPS) projects.


Last week, in Naklo, ZOPS presented the report on their work in 2023 and plans for 2024. What’s particularly inspiring is their energy and willingness to collaborate with all stakeholders in healthcare to improve the position of patients and users of healthcare services. Their focus on all stages of health, from prevention to palliative care, is commendable.


We hope that ZOPS’s activities will attract other sponsors and donors, as their goal (to increase the number of quality years of life for the residents of Slovenia) should essentially be our shared nationwide objective.
